The cultural art society “Mladost 1947” has as its mission to preserve, promote and nurture the rich cultural heritage of Subotica through the organization of folklore activities, concerts, workshops and cooperation with other cultural institutions. Our mission is to encourage the love of tradition and art among all generations, and to contribute to the preservation of the city’s multi-ethnic identity.

Our vision is to become a central place for the promotion and preservation of Subotica’s cultural heritage, recognized as a dynamic and inclusive society that gathers people of all ages and cultural backgrounds. We want to be a driving factor in the development of the city’s cultural scene and to inspire the community to actively participate in cultural events.


  • Develop and improve programs of folklore activities for all ages and experience levels, including children, youth, adults and seniors.
  • Hold regular concerts and performances that will promote the richness of folklore heritage and the multi-ethnic diversity of Subotica.
  • Establish cooperation with educational institutions in order to improve cultural education and encourage young talents.
  • Actively participate in local and national cultural events in order to expand the visibility of society and promote cultural tourism.


  • Increase the number of society members and involve as many citizens as possible in cultural activities.
  • To ensure a stable financial condition of the society through the diversification of income, donations and sponsorships.
  • Improve the quality of programs and performances through the continuous education of members and the engagement of professional staff.
  • Build partnerships with local, regional and national institutions in order to achieve common goals in the field of culture and art.

These guidelines will help us achieve our mission and vision, and for the cultural and artistic society “Mladost 1947” to become an even more significant actor in the cultural life of Subotica and the wider region.